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Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 7, 2012

Anh văn

Tài liệu Anh văn CK 2- 2012

1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
kept on
as long as
take after
a little
held up
to buy

1. We kept on working through our lunch break.
2. People say that I take after my father.
3. Our flight was held up by bad weather.
4. They talked for three days before finally coming to a decision.
5. They started building the road two years ago and they still haven’t finished it.
6. Would you like a little more milk?
7. I can’t afford to buy a new stereo.
8. Supposing you were in my place, what would you do?
9. The traffic warden told us to move our car.
10. What pity a that your father is ill again!
11. The commander gave an encouraging talk to his men.
12. As he made no reference to our quarrel, I assumed he had forgiven me.
13. Sport provides an outlet for a teenager’s feelings of aggression
14. You may borrow my bicycle as long as you are careful with it.
15. He claimed exemption from military service because he was a foreign national.
2. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each passage
Passage 1
Dear Ellen,
I’ve just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion of your plans for the future. 1 hope you won’t take offense, but will accept what I say here as some fatherly advice. I was quiet surprised when I read in your letter that you had decided not to finish your studies at the university. I realise that Peter wants you to marry him this summer. But with only one more year to go, you would be well advised to finish. A year is really a short time, and later you will be glad you postpone getting married.
As you know, my reaction to Peter was extremely favorable when I met him. He’s an exceptionally fine young man and should be a good husband. But I suggest you complete your education first.
You are twenty-one, a grown-up young lady old enough to make your own mind. This is something you’ll have to work out yourself. As your uncle, I have always tried not to interfered in your affairs and I don’t intend to begin now. But, my dear niece, please do consider my words very carefully before you decide. Whatever you do, Ellen, you know I only want one thing for you, and that is your happiness.
Uncle Tim
16. Ellen’s uncle was surprised about her decision because
A. he thought she shouldn’t marry young.
B. he didn’t want her too marry Peter.
C. he wanted her to spend another year abroad to study.
D. he didn’t want her to interrupt her studies.
17. How much longer did Ellen have to study to complete her education at the university?
A. 4 years        B. 5 years        C. 1 year         D. 2 years
18. Ellen ‘s uncle thought that
A. Peter was an exceptional man.
B. Peter should complete his education first.
C. Peter should provide for her education.
D. Peter was the right man for Ellen to marry.
19. Ellen ‘s uncle advised her to
A. talk with Peter about her decision.
B. persuade Peter to complete his education first.
C. postpone getting married.
D. think no more of Peter.
20. What was the one thing that Ellen‘s uncle wanted for her?
A. It was her education.                      B.. It was her qualifications.
C. It was her freedom              D. It was her happiness.
Passage 2:
When a strong earthquake occurs on the ocean floor rather than on land, a
tremendous force is exerted on the seawater and one or more large, destructive waves called tsunamis can be formed. Tsunamis are commonly called tidal waves in the United States, but this is really an appropriate name in that the cause of the tsunami is underground earthquake rather than the ocean’s tides.
Far from land, a tsunami can move through the wide open vastness of the ocean at a speed of 600 miles (900 kilometers) per hour and often can travel tremendous distances without losing height and strength. When a tsunami reach shallow coastal water, it can reach a height of 100 feet (30 meters) or more and can cause tremendous flooding and damage to coastal areas.
21. What are tsunamis?
→ Large, destructive waves
22. When can a tsunami formed?
→ When a strong earthquake occurs on the ocean floor rather than on land.
23. Why is the name “tidal wave” inappropriate?
→ Cause of the tsunami is underground earthquake rather than the ocean’s tides.
24. How high can a tsunami be when it reaches the shore?
→ 100 feet (30 meters)
25. What is the speed of a tsunami?
→ 600 miles (900 kilometers) per hour.
Passage 3:
Man is only just beginning to realize how much he must look to the sea. It can be an important source of food for millions of the world. When we know how much and in what way the oceans influence the weather, we can plan the growing of crops and even work out the best time to take our holidays. But when we get to the bottom of the sea, we find things that no one dreamed existed until recently. Lands which were covered with water when the ice melted at the end of the Ice Age are rich in minerals. Off the south African coasts, for example, is a place where there are five times the number of diamonds as in the mines on the land. Oil is brought from the bottom of the Caspian Sea. Sand with gold in it has been found off Thailand and Indonesia. But if man wants to continue gathering riches from the sea, he is going to have to look after it.
26. What is man only just beginning to realize?
→ man is only just beginning to realize how much he must look to the sea.
27. When can we plan the growing crops?
→ When we know how much and in what way the oceans influence the weather.
28. What do we find when we get to the bottom of the sea?
→ we find things that no one dreamed existed until recently.
29. What has been found off the south African coasts?
→ Off the south African coasts, for example, is a place where there are five times the number of diamonds as in the mines on the land.
30. What is man going to do if he wants to continue gathering riches from the sea?
→ He is going to have to look after it.
Passage 4:
UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, serves the children of the world. It serves children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 100 developing countries. Its purpose is to help provide a better life for children and their mothers. It gives both long-term assistance and emergency help. All children and their mother have the right to medical care, a place to live, pure water, and enough food. UNICEF helps millions of the world’s children get these rights. UNICEF works with governments to provide three kinds of services. They plan and organize programs, they train people to work in the programs, and UNICEF provides supplies and equipment.
31. Which children does UNICEF serve?
→ Children of the world.
32. What is the purpose of UNICEF?
→ It serves children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 100 developing countries.
33. Does UNICEF offer help only in emergency?
→ No, it doesn’t it also provides long – term assistance.
34. What are the rights of all children and their mothers?
→ Medical care, a place to live, pure water, and enough food.
35. What are the three kinds of services that UNICEF helps provide?
→ They plan and organize programs, they train people to work in the programs, and UNICEF provides supplies and equipment.
3. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
In the past people suffered (36) from a disease called scurvy. Their gum bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did (37) not heal, and their muscles wasted away. The (38) cause of these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits.
The best sources of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh vegetables. These (39)  fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure ..(40)  to air.
Although today more people ..(41) take vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, including some of the elderly, alcoholics, ..(42)  and the chronologically ill. Research shows that vitamin C ..(43) reduces the severity of colds and can help prevent cancer. There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, speeds . . .(44) wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive ..(45) effect on some mental disorders and increases life span.
Make all the necessary changes and additions from the following sets of words to make up complete sentences.
Example: after graduation/ he/ offer/good job/ good prospect.
Answer: After graduation he was offered a good job with good prospect.
46. I accomplished this task in three months.
It took me 3 months to accomplish this task
47. Jane spends 2 hours a week sorting out stamps.
Sorting out her stamps takes her 2 hour a week
48. Any pictures that are taken will have to travel for three minutes before they reach the earth.
The pictures will take 3 minutes to reach the earth
49. She wrote this letter in 30 minutes.
It took her 30 minutes to write this letter
50. My sister is not very intelligent and I am not intelligent.
Neither my sister nor I am intelligent
51. Lan doesn’t like organges and Hoa doesn’t either.
Neither Lan nor Hoa likes organes
52. He must be mad and he must be crazy.
He must be either mad or crazy
53. I like detective stories.
I am fond of detective stories
54. Barbara isn’t fond of sitting around the house all day without doing anything.
Barbara doesn’t like sitting around the house all day without doing  any things
55. We boys shouldn’t be scared of ghosts.
We boys shouldn’t  be afraid of ghosts
Complete the sentences using given words
56. Computers / able / calculate / quick
Computers are able to calculate quickly
57. It / difficult / learn English / without / good dictionary.
It ‘s difficult to learn English without a good dictionary
58. 1 / finish / homework / two hours ago.
I finished my homework two hours ago
59. I look / everywhere / but/ couldn’t find / keys
I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find my keys
60. He born / Russia / but I live / with father / America / now.
He was born in Russia but he lives with her father in America now
61. He / fond / comic strips.
He is fond of  comic strips
62. It / take / minutes / repair / bicycle.
It take me 30 minutes to repair my bicycle
63. It / take / two years / build / bridge.
It takes them two years to build the bridge
64. parents / used / drink tea / dinner.
My parents used to drink tea after diner
65. I / happy / get / letter.
I am happy to get your letter
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
66. Recycling paper means that fewer trees need to be cut down and using bottle banks means that glass is re-used rather than thrown away.
Việc tái chế lại giấy có nghiã là giảm được số cây cần phải đốn hạ và việc sử dụng ngân hàng chai lọ thì thủy tinh sẽ được tái sử dụng thay vì vứt bỏ đi
67. Riding in a car is thirty times more dangerous than flying, but most of us are not afraid every time we get into a car.
Đi lại bằng xe ôtô thì nguy hiểm hơn đi bằng máy bay 30 lần, nhưng hầu hết chúng ta không có sự sợ hải nào mỗi  khi bước vào ô tô
68. Governments and international organizations can provide safe, inexpensive birth- control methods to limit population growth.
Nhiều chính phủ và các tổ chức quốc tế có thể cung cấp các phương thức ngừa thai rẽ tiền và an toàn để hạn chế sự tăng dân số.
69. Harvard University researchers found that of five personal-health practices smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, hours of sleep and eating behavior only one, smoking, is related to how long older people will live.
Các nhà nghiên cứu tại đại học harvard phát hiện ra rằng trong năm thói quen liên quan đến sức khỏe con người là hút thuốc lá, hoạt động thể lực, uống bia rượu, thời gian ngủ và thói quen ăn uống , thì chỉ có hút thuốc lá có lên quan đến tuổi thọ của người già.
70. Pets can help bring families together by promoting interaction among family members, by relieving stress of busy parents and growing children, by helping children learn the importance of responsibility and discipline.
Những thú cưng giúp cho gia đình gần gũi nhau hơn qua việc kích hoạt sự trao đổi giữa các thành viên trong gia đình ,qua việc làm giảm căng thẳng cho các cha mẹ bận rộn và trẻ em đang phát triễn, bằng sự giúp cho trẻ em thấy đuợc tầm quan trọng của tinh thần trách nhiệm và tính kỷ luât
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
71. mặc dù hàng triệu phụ nữ trên thế giới muốn hạn chế số con trong gia đình, họ không thể luôn có phương pháp an toàn để có ít con hơn
-Although millions of women in the world want to limit the size of their amily, they can’t always have a safe way to hve fewer children
72. Nếu bạn luôn đi ngủ và thức dậy vào thời gian nhất định, điều đó tạo ra một nhịp sống tốt và lành mạnh trong cuộc sống của bạn.
- if you always go to bed and get up at the same time, this will set good and heathy rhythm in your life.
73. Phòng ngừa bệnh dịch ít tốn kém hơn nhiều so với việv ngăn chặn chúng sau khi chúng  xãy ra và hàng ngàn người bị ốm
-Preventing epidemics is much cheaper than stoppingthem after they have started and thousands of people have been ill
74. Một số nhà hàng có các món ăn trong thực đơn được đánh dấu bằng một trái tim để biểu thị rằng chúng có ít chất béo ,cholesterol, muối và đường.
Some restaurantshave items on the memu marked with a heart to show they are low in fat cholesterol , salt and sugar
75. Thiếu nhi và thanh thiếu niên cần nhiều năng lượng hơn nhiều cho cơ thể vì chúng đang phát triễn nhanh .
Infants,children and aldolescents need much more energy (than adults do) for their bodies because they are growing fast
1. choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
Would rather
is known as
to talk
to lose
had better
in spite of
because of
1. I definitely prefer traveling by air to traveling by train or bus.
2. The severe drought that occurred last summer ruined the corn crop.
3. Florida, which is known as. The Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.
4. This is a story based on fact.
5. In spite of poor education, he was a persuasive speaker.
6. The manager expected the team to lose because they hadn’t done enough training.
7. Only a few of the sounds produced by insects can be heard by humans.
8. Before the invention of the printing press, books were very rare.
9. Although they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperate or even cold climate.
10. Whenever we met, we stop to talk.
11. Mrs. Smith’s two sons are making good progress at school.
12. Both kindness and firmness are needed to train domestic animals.
13. We had better check their bags.
14. We arrived late because the bad weather.
15. Please turn the TV down, so that I can hear what John is saying.
2. Read the following passagas carefully and answer the questions below.
There are people whose immortality begin from the moment of their death. Hemingway is one of them. He was a great man. The whole of his creative work was a long struggle, for Hemingway, the man and the writer, had many enemies. Perhaps his great enemy was war. He hated it with all his heart, with his whole body, in which 28 bullets had left their traces.
Hemingway hated those who made a business of war. In an introduction to his novel “A farewell to Arms”, Hemingway said that wars were started by people who profited from them, and he suggested that those warlike people should be shot on the very fist day of way of war, by sentence of the people.
Hemingway hated fascism. He never surrendered. He fought against it with the pen and the sword.
16. Who was Hemingway?
→Hemingway was a gred man and (also) a great write.
17. Why was the whole of his creative work a long struggle?
→Because he had many enemies.
18. How did Hemingway hate why?
He hated it with all his heart, with his whole body, in which 28 bullets had left their traces.
19. Who else did he hate why?
→He also hatet those who made abusmess of war.
20. What was Hemingway’s attitude to fascism?
→ He hated fascism very much: He never surrendered. he fought against it with the pen and the sword.
Pasage 2:
The first stamp in the world was an English stamp. It was made in 1840. Before that, people paid money to the postman for every letter that they received and the postman did not give the letters to anybody who did not pay him.
An English teacher, whose name was Rowland Hill, thought much about this. One day, he said that the people who wrote the letter should pay for them, and not the people who got the letters. He then spoke about it to the people in the govemment. Soon the post offices began to sell little pieces of paper with a stamp on them.
21. Which country made the first stamp?
→ England did.
22. when did the first stamp apperai?
→ In 1840.
23. Before that, what did people have to do when they got a letter?
→They had to pay money to the postman for every letter they received. received.
24. Did people get letter if they refused to pay?
 →No, they didn’t
25. Who invented the stamp?
Rowland Hill, an English teacher.
Pasage 3.
Every child in Great britain between the age of five and fifteen must attend school. There are three main types of educational institutions: Primary (elementary) schools, secondary schools, and universities.
State schools are free, and attendance is compulsory. Morming shool begins at nine o’clock and lasts until half past four. School is open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays are no lessons. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter and in summer. In London as in all cities there are two grades of state schools for those who will go to work at fifteen: primary schools for boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven, and secondary schools for children from eleven to fifteen years.
The lessons are: reading, writing, the English language, English literature, English history, geography, science, Nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill. (physical training)
26. What are the three main types of educational institutions?
→Primary schools, secondary schools, and universities.
27. What are the two grades of state schools for those who will go to work at fifteen?
→The two grades of state schools are primany schools and secondary schools.
28. What subjects do children study at school?
→Reading, writing, the English language, English literature, English history, geography, science, Nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill
29. Are state schools free?
→Yes, they are.
30. When do pupils have holidays?
→At christmas, Easter and summer.
Pagage 4.
Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show their feelings. They are generous, lively and amusing. They are not as snobbish or class – conscious as the English. The American’s dream is success in his job, success earned by his own skill and hard work. There is no one an American admires more than the self- made man, no matter what kind of family he comes from; whereas upper class people in Britain still tend to dislike self-made and find them socially unacceptable.
31. What are ordinary Americans like?
→They are friendly, generous, lively, amusing and not afraid to show their fee lings.
32. What are english people like?
→They are snobbish and clas- conscious.
33. What kind of success does the American want?
→They wants success in his job, which is earned by his own skill and hard work.
34. What kind of people does the American admire?
→The self- made man.
35. What do English people think about self-made men?
→English peole find them socially unacceptable.
3. Read the pagage carefully and then fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
The tourist industry is considered  to be the largest industry. Before 1950 one million people (36) travelled abroad each year but by (37) the 1990s the figure had risen to 400 (38) million every year.
Such large number (39) of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, on the Alps the skiers (40) are destroying the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (41) with old tins, tents and food that have been thrown (42) away. But at a time when we have greater freedom to travel (43) than ever before, more and more people are asking how they can enjoy (44) their holidays without cau sing problems by spoiling the countryside.
Now there is a new holiday guide called “Holidays That Don’t Cost The Earth”. It tells you how you can help the tourist (45) industry by asking your travel agent the right questions before you go on holiday.
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. She/ the/ tall/ girl/ slass.
→She is the tallest girl in her class.
47. they/ look forward/ meet/ old/ friends/ again.
→They are looking forward to meeting their old friends again.
48. What/ you/ do/3 o’clock/ yesterday afternoon?
→What were you doing at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon ?
49. You/ should/ careful/ driving/ this city.
→You should be careful on driving in this city.
50. You/ interested/ listen/ pop music/ classical music?
→Are you interested in listening to pop music or classical music.
51. The weather/ too bad/ us/ go / picnic.
→The weather was too bad for us to go for a picnic.
52. Father/ work/ engineer/ company/since 1990
→My father has been working as an engineer for that company since 1990
53. It/ difficult/ me/ eat American food/ when/ be/ New York.
→It was difficult for me to eat American food when I was in New York
54. I / interested/ be/ receptionist/ because/ like/ meet/ people.
→I am interested in being a receptionist because I like meeting people
55. One/ our  tasks/ electrify/ whole/ country.
→One of our tasks is to electrify the whole country.
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
Example: I have been learning English for six years.
Answer: I started to learn English six year ago.
56. Daisy likes to eat fish better than meat.
→Daisy would rather eat fish than meat.
57. Mrs Green likes to live in a city better than in the country.
→Mrs Geen would rather live in a city than in the country.
58. Some newspapers are more informative than others.
→Some newspapers are not as informative as others.
59. Jane is prettier than my sister.
→My sister is not as pretty as Jane
60. Mr.Smith is the wisest member of the family
→No member in not family is as wise as Mr.Smith.
61. Kate is the tallest girl in her class
→No body in her class is as tall as kate
62. You handwriting is less nice than hers.
→Her handwriting is nicer than yours.
63. Mum doesn’t speak English as well as Dad.
→Dad speaks English better than Mum.
64. Popular newspapers are cheaper than serious ones.
→Serious newspapers are more expensive than popular ones.
65. Murder is the most serious of all crime.
→No crime is as serious as murder ( more serious than murder)
1.Translate the following setences into Vietnamese.
66. World leaders have set eight development goals for bringing millions of people out of poverty. These became known as the United Nations Millenium Development Goals.
Các nhà lãnh đạo thế giới đã đặc ra 8 mục tiêu phát triển, để đưa hàng triệu người thoát khỏi cảnh nghèo đói những mục tiêu này được biết như là mục tiêu phát triển thiên nhiên kỹ của liên hiệp quốc
67. The government also called on for cooperation from foreign partners, among which France is confirmed as the first partner
Chính phủ cũng kêu gọi hơp tác từ các đối tác nước ngoài. Trong số đó nước Pháp được xem như là đối tác đầu tiên
68. The Ministry is planning a project to build 4 international standard universities in Vietnam and position the country’s education in the world map by 2020.
Bộ đang dự thảo một đề án đại học đạt chuẩn quốc tế tại Việt Nam để đưa vị trí giáo dục nước nhà vào bảng đồ thế giới vào năm 2020
69. Without music the world would indeed be a very dull place to live in. Even nature is full of music.
            →Không có nhạc thế giới sẻ trở thành nổi buồn tẻ, thậm chí thiên nhiên cũng tràng đầy âm nhạc
70. Harvard is considered one of the best universities in the country, the richest and the most difficult to gain admission.
→Trương đại học Harwasrd được xem là tốt nhất và giàu nhất. Khó được nhận vào học nhất ở Hoa kỳ.
2. Translater the following sentences into English
71. Ngày nay tiếng Anh đã trở thành một ngôn ngữ quốc tế trong thế giới làm việc.
No wadays English has because are internatonallanguage in the werking world
72. Dịch các từ vựng và câu sẽ lãng phí nhiều thời gian.
Translating wocabulary and sentences much tine.
73. Mục đích bình chọn cho Vịnh Hạ Long là để quảng bá hình ảnh một Việt Nam tươi đẹp, một điểm đến du lịch thú vị trên thế giới.
The Purpose Of Choosing Ha Long Bay is to sperad the inmage of. Wetnam as a be autipul cuntry and ar interesting destination are well.
74. Bà Drew Grlpin Faust là hiệu trưởng thứ 28 của trường Harward. Bà là nữ hiệu trưởng đầu tiên trong lịch sử của trường đại học này.
Drew Grlpin Faust is the 28 th rector/president of Harvard shi is the his tory of this unverrity.
75. Mặc dù rất mệt nhưng chúng tôi vẫn tiếp tục làm việc để hoàn thành nốt cuộc thí nghiệm.
Although we were tired, we continued worling to finish our eeprimrst.
1.                        Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
at time
on time
the opposite

1. Spain and Portugal stated many new cities in the New World, especially south of Mexico. These two countries colonized most of Central and Southern America.
2. People of all ages like to go to national parks. A visit to a national park is amused for the whole family.
3. I would like to make a suggestion for your trip. Take a train ride across Canada. I did it last year. The scenery is beautiful.
4. Many countries are trying to solve the problem of the growth of deserts.
5. The Unite Nations is an international  organization
6. The surgeon is operating on a famous politician.
7. The tea-pot is made  of silver.
8. The three friends all applied for the same job.
9. The tourists  cut their names on the tree trunk.
10. The trains are very punctual. They always leave  on time
11. The truth of the matter is  different from that newspaper report.
12. The victim is suffering from severe pains.
13. The village seemed strangely familiar  although I’d never been there before.
14. The villagers should be prohibited from planting poppies.
15. The visitors found the little girl’s conversation very amusing
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1
Today I’d like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up the earth. First we’ll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer. You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth. It is important to all life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes.
The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed. Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorocarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. And how do we use fluorocarbons? The most common uses are in spray cans and cooling systems. The chemical pollution from these fluorocarbons can count for some of the ozone losses that have been reported. There are, however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. We’ll go into that new study more next time.
16.Who is the most likely speaker?
A. a doctor   B. A mechanic    C. A professor     D.A chemist
17. What’s the speaker’s main topic?
A. Ultraviolet light                    B. The use of spray cans
C. Air-conditioning systems    D. Fluorocarbons and the ozone layer
18. What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer?
A. Providing fluorocarbons     B. Shielding the sun
C. Protecting the earth              D. Destroying chemicals
19. What is the ozone layer made of?
A. Fluorocarbons              B. Oxygen
C. Shields                           D. Ultraviolet light
20. What will the speaker probably discuss next?
A. How to make air conditioners with fluorocarbons
B. Harmful effects of ultraviolet light.
C. The makeup of the ozone layer.
D. The sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion.
Water is our life source. It makes up 70% of our bodies, and the average person usually spends 18 months of his life in the bath or shower.
But we are only now learning how to look after water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18,000 lakes and our seas. And rivers are polluted with waste products. It is now very expensive to try to repair the damage which has been done. We have some hope for the future, though, because new sources of water have been discovered. People living in the Sahara Desert have found fish swimming in deep underground streams. Scientists also believe there is a huge lake underneath London. If we have learnt anything from our mistakes, we will try to keep these new areas of water clean.
21. According to the text,  
A. man knew how to look after water long ago.
B. man has so far used water very carefully
C. water is extremely important to life
D. clean water is unlimited
22. This is from
A. a letter                        B. a newspaper report
C. an advertisement        D. a theatre programme
23. The word discovered most nearly means
A. invented   B. found      C. started         D. operated
24. The writer is
A. saying how to repair the damage caused by acid rain.
B. giving information about waste products.
C. emphasizing the importance of looking after water.
D. giving information about new sources of water.
25. The word huge most nearly means
A. long               B. deep                        C. hidden                     D. big
Passage 3
It was, Italian authorities said later, as if the thieves had a catalog and knew just what they were after. Anned bandits bound and gagged six unarmed guards, entered a storeroom containing artifacts from the Roman town of Herculaneum, and stole about 280 objects —gold rings, bracelets, earrings, and precious stones. All had been discovered during excavations of the seaside town, buried by the same eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 that destroyed its larger and well-known neighbor, Pompeii. Authorities said that the stolen items also included a small bronze statue of Bacchus inlaid with copper and silver, a bronze vase, and a box of coins. The total value of objects taken during the robbery was estimated at 1,6 million dollars. Art historians and others criticized lax security that permitted two gunned men to climb a wall, enter the site, and break through a flimsy partition to get into the room where the artifacts were kept. Some of the critics also complained that the guards were unarmed. Officials said it would be hard for anyone to sell the stolen objects because all had been catalogued and photographed, and most had been exhibited and published.
26. How many things were stolen by the thieves?
280 objects
27. How many kinds of jewel are mentioned in the passage?
4 kinds
28. How long ago did Mount Vesuvius erupt and destroy Pompeii?
In A.D. 79
29. What was the estimated value of the stolen objects?
1.6 million dollars
30. According to the historians what was responsible for the robbery?
Lax security
Passage 4
In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit. This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so it multiplied incredibly quickly. It overran a whole continent, and caused devastation to herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease. Trying to create local epidemics of this disease, they found out that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits. So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes, Australia was encouraging this one. It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and drastically diminished the rabbit population.
31. Why could the European rabbit multiply extremely quickly in Australia?
- Because rabbits have no natural enemies in the Antipodes
32. Why did the European rabbit cause damage to millions of sheep and cattle?
- As it overran a whole continent, and caused devastation to herbage
33. What did scientists use to diminish the rabbit population?
- A mosquito species to cause disease in rabbits
34. Was the mosquito used as a vector of a fatal viral disease?
- Yes
35. Did people in Australia try to get rid of mosquitoes?
- No
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
Almost (36) all reading books contain a fable. These old stories that (37) taught people moral lessons many years ago can now help us (38) learn English. Our fable is about a fox (39) and a crow. A crow is a big black bird that likes to steal things (40) from house, and a fox is an animal that likes to steal things from crows.
One day a fox was walking along looking (41) for something (42) to eat when he saw a crow on a branch of a tree (42) with a large piece (43) of cheese in his beak. The fox, who could not climb the (44) tree began to think to some way to get the cheese. So he said (45) to the crow: “One of my friends hear you sing last week and told me you had a very fine voice. Won’t you sing for me?”
The crow was surprised to hear this for crows do not have fine voices. But when the fox continued to speak well of his voice, he began to sing. The piece of cheese fell to the ground and the fox ate it.
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. The jacket / small / that / not fit / me.
The jacket is so small that it can not fit me
47. People / not allowed / enter / museum / before 9 o’clock.
People are not allowed into the museum before 9 pm
48. The manager / so sick / not go / work.
The manager was so sick that he could not go to work
49. father/ tired / that/ go / bed / right / dinner.
My father was so tired that he could go to bed right after dinner
50. Mr. Brown / going/ new car.
Mr .brown is going to buy a new car
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. This iron bar is too cold for the worker to strike.
This iron bar is so cold that the worker can’t strike it
52. The cake was too hard for me to eat.
The cake was so hard that I could not eat it
53. He spoke too fast for anyone to understand.
He spoke so fast that no one could understand him
54. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in it
55. Mark is too young to see horror films.
Mark is not old enough to see horror film
56. He acted so well that the audience was moved to tears.
 He acted well enough for the audience to move to tear
57. She isn’t intelligent so she can’t do that exercise.
She isn’t intelligent enough to do that exercise
58 He looked after my dogs when I was on holiday.
He took care my dogs when I was on holiday
59. Eating Chinese food is new to me.
I have never  eaten chinese food
60. He learned to drive when he was eighteen.
He has been driving since he was eighteen
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
61. Repeated studies have found that while the learning process may
be slower healthy older people can usually learn new things well.
những nghiên cứu lập đi lập lai cho thấy rằng mặc dù việc học có thể chậm hơn nhưng những người gìa khỏe mạnh vẫn có thể học tốt những điều mới
62. If a person is not depressed and lacking in interest and if there is no disease present, new ideas can occur in old age as well.
nếu một người không suy sụp tinh thần , vẩn còn có sự hứng thú và không có biểu hiện bệnh lý thì những ý tưởng mới vẫn có thể nẩy sinh ngay cả lúc tuổi già.
63. In one study, a short course offering practice in memorizing and reasoning helped about 40 percent of a study group of people.
Trong một nghiên cứu, qua một thời gian ngắn luyện tập về trí nhớ và tư duy đã cải thiện cho 40% đối tượng nghiên cứu
64. Those people who had already lost some mental sharpness managed to get back their learning ability.
những người đã mất thực sự mất một số nhạy bén về tinh thần đã được điều chỉnh lấy lại khả năng học tậpcủa họ
65. The responsibility of the physicians is to know how to discover, cure, rehabilitate the health both of the individuals and community.
Trách nhiệm của những người thầy thuốc là biết làm sao để phát hiện, điều trị , phục hồi chức năng cho cả cá nhân và xã hội
2. Translate the following sentences into English
66. điều gì gây ra rụng tóc trong hóa trị liệu ung thư  (hair loss) (cancer chemotherapy)
What causes hairloss in cancer chemotherapy
67. thuốc được sử dụng để chống  (fight) tế bào ung thư (cancer cells) cũng có thể tấn công các tế bào lành (healthy)
Drugs used to fight cancer cells can allso attack healthy cells
68. tôi đã nói rất chậm để tất cả các sinh viên của tôi có thể hiểu được những gì tôi nói.
I spoke very slowly so that all my students could understand what I said
69. Chính phủ sẽ tăng thuế đánh vào xăng dầu
The goverment will increase the duty on petrol
70. Nhật Bản là một trong những nhà sản xuất xe hơi hàng đầu thế giới.
Japan is one of the world’s leading car manufacture

1.Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill tin the blank of each of the following sentences.
has been
have been
no fear
no need
participating in
take over
those ones
1. The name of the student who wins the prize will be published in the newspaper.
2. When you go to a museum, you should not handle any of the pieces you see. Some of them are very old and might break if you touch them.
3. Ahmed is very active in the International Student Organization. He goes to meetings every week and helps the new members get to know each other.
4. Desert soil is unproductive without water. Even desert plants need water. Without it, the soil becomes very dry and cannot produce healthy plants.
5. The storms were very destructive. The winds knocked over trees and damaged houses.
6. There has been some good news about our school recently.
7. There’re now six billion people living on earth
8. There is a rumor that The National bank will take over the company I work for.
9. There is now much less snow than there was last year.
10. There is only one student in the classroom preparing his lesson.
11. There was a terrible crash on Highway 10 this morning. Five vehicles were involved
12. There was nothing special about his clothes apart from his flowery tie.
13. There’s no need to be frightened of the dog; he is quite harmless.
14. These are my newspapers, and those are theirs
15. These boxes are heavier than those ones
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1
Every four or ten years, something happens to the weather system. Everything changes, and scientists don’t understand why. People call this “El Nino”. It usually happens at Christmas time and El Nino is the Spanish name for the baby Jesus. The El Nino that started in 1982 was different from the other recent ones. It caused huge changes in the ocean currents. It caused floods in some areas and droughts in others. There were terrible windstorms and huge ocean waves swept houses into the sea. It did billions of dollars worth of damage. Thousands of people lost their lives and thousands of others were left homeless.
In 1983 the winds, ocean currents and pressure areas started to become normal again. Scientists throughout the world are using satellites and research boats to observe the atmosphere and the ocean. It is a very complicated problem, but if the scientists of the world work together, they should be able to find out the causes of El Nino. Then they will be able to predict what will happen and work to prevent a repeat of the death and destruction of 1982-83.
16. How often does El Nino happens?
A. every four years      C. every fourteen years
B. every ten years                    D. every four or ten years
17. The 1982 El Nino was
a. a small one                 c. a drought
b. a different one            d. a storm
18. The 1982 El Nino caused __________
A. drought                               C. windstorms
B. floods                                  D. All are correct
19. Scientists around the world are____________
A. studying El Nino    C. looking for it
B. watching it              D. worrying about it
20. El Nino ___________
A. causes damage                    C. is a natural phenomenon
B. is mysterious                       D. All of these
He was born in a very poor part of Great Britain’s capital. His father was a comedian and his mother worked as a dancer and singer. Neither of them was very successful, however, and the family had very little money, at one time they were so poor that he and his brother had only one pair of shoes between them and they had to take turn wearing them. The first time he himself earned any money, from dancing and singing, he was only five years old. He did many kinds of jobs, but what he loved best was working in the theatre.
When he was about 15 he joined a traveling theatre company and went on trips to America. On one such tour he was offered a part in a film, so he went to Hollywood, where he eventually became both an actor and a film director. He was known to be a perfectionist, and sometimes made the other actors repeat a scene many times before he was finally satisfied with it.
Many people found it difficult to work with him and some accused him of being mean, but it was really his early experiences of poverty that made him careful with his money.
He died in Switzerland in 1977, at the age of 88. There is now a statue of him in Leicester Square, London, the city of his childhood and early upbringing. His name was Charlie Chaplin.
21. Where was Chaplin born?
A. York                       C. Dublin
B. London                   D. Belfas
22. In which year did he first go to America?
A. 1914                       C. 1904 ?
B. 1924                       D. 1934
23. Why did he go to Hollywood?
A. To be a perfectionist           C. To take part in a film
B. To be a film maker             D. To be a film director
24. Why did many people find difficult to work with him?
A. He was never satisfied with their    B. Because of his perfectionism
C He was very mean acting    D. He was very careful with his money
25. The world “satisfied” is closest in meaning to
A. convinced
B. pleased
C. accepted
D. satisfactory
Passage 3
Perhaps more swimmers have been drowned by cramp than by anything else, and only those who have suffered from it can conceive its fatal power. Even good swimmers, when seized with cramp, have been known to sink instantly, overcome with the sudden pain, and nothing can save the victim but the greatest presence of mind.
The usual spot where the cramp is felt is the calf of the leg; and it sometimes comes with such violence that the muscles are gathered up into knots. There is only one method of proceeding under such circumstances: to turn on one’s back at once, kick the leg out in the air, disregarding the pain, and rub the spot smartly with one hand, while the other is employed in paddling towards shore.
These directions are easy enough to give, hut quite difficult to obey, cramp seems to deprive the sufferer of all reason for the time, and it seems to overpower him with mingled pain and terror. Therefore, the method of saving a person drowning because of cramp demands great practice. The chief difficulty lies in the fact that a person who cannot swim feels, in deep water, much as if he were falling through air, and consequently clutches instinctively at the nearest object. If he succeeds in grasping the person who is trying to save him, both will probably sink together. Every precaution should be taken to prevent such a misfortune and the drowning man should always be seized from behind and pushed forwards.
26. What problem has caused death to more swimmers?
     - cramp
27. What is the place where cramp is usually felt?
     - The calf of the leg
28. How many methods to cope with cramp are mentioned in the passage?
      - Only one method
29. Is it true that everyone who can swim can save a person drowning because of cramp?
30. What will probably happen if a person drowning because of cramp can grasp the person who is trying to save him?
    - if he succeeds in grasping the person who is trying to save him, both will probably sink together.
Passage 4:
El Nino usually happens at Christmas time, and El Nino is the Spanish name for the baby Jesus. Usually the effects of El Nino are very mild. However, the one that started in 1982 was different from the other recent ones. It had a very powerful effect on the world’s climate. It caused huge changes in the ocean currents. It caused floods in some areas and droughts in others. There were terrible windstorms and huge ocean waves. These waves swept houses into the sea. El Nino did billions of dollars worth of damage. Thousands of people lost their lives and thousands of others were left homeless.
I. What does El Nino mean in Spanish?
- Baby Jesus
2. When does El Nino usually happen?
- At christmas time
3. What effects did the 1982 El Nino have on the world’s climate? Name five.
 - Huge changes in the ocean currents, floods in the some areas, droughts in others, terrible windstorm and large ocean waves
4. How much was the damage caused by the 1982 El Nino?
- Billions of dollars
5. How many people were killed in the 1982 El Nino?
- Thousands of people
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was forced to move(36) to a new neighborhood. He surprised his landlord by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy(37) any chocolate.
It all began a year ago when Albert returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his gate. He was very fond(38) of animals and he happened to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. The next day the dog was there again. It held up its paws and received another piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called(39) his new friend Bingo. He never found out the dog’s real name nor who his owner was. However, Bingo appeared regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear that he preferred chocolate to bones. He soon grew dissatisfied with small pieces of chocolate and demanded a bigger(40) bar a day. If at any time, Albert neglected his duty, Bingo got very angry and refused to let him open the gate(41). Albert was now at Bingo’s mercy and had to bribe him to get into his house(42). He spent such a large part of his weekly wage(43) to keep Bingo supplied with chocolate that in the end(44) he had to move somewhere else(45).

1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. He / English / two / years now
He has been learning english for two years now
47. This tea / too hot / me / drink
This tea is too hot for me to drink
48. If/I / be you / I / not / buy / that / bicycle
If I were you I wouldn’t buy that bicycle
49. If/ have / to / stay up late / last night / learn lessons
Last night, I had to stay up late to learn  my lessons
50. They / prefer / classical music / pop music
They prefer classical music to pop music
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. England no longer has dreadful fogs.
There used to be dreadful fogs in England
52. They once started these machines by hand.
They used to start these machines by hand
53. He doesn’t get up late anymore.
He used to get up late
54. Barbara is not as keen on travel as she used to.
Barbara used to be keen on travel
55. Mary went shopping because she wanted to buy some jeans.
Mary went shopping to buy some jeans
56. He cut the cake into pieces so that he could give it to the children.
He cut  the cake into pieces to give it to the children
57. He didn’t pass the exam because he didn’t work hard.
If he had worked hard, he would have passed the exam
58. We can avoid waiting by booking the tickets in advance.
If we book the tickets in advance, we can avoid waiting
59. She didn’t so hurry so she missed the train.
If she had hurried she wouldn’t have missed the train
60. They wanted to buy the house, but they hadn’t got enough money.
If they had got enough money , they would have bought the house
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
61. Your salary will be deducted for Health Insurance and pension.
Lương tháng của bạn bị khấu trừ vào bảo hiểm y tế và lương hưu
62. It was very generous of them to share their meal with their out-of-work neighbours.
họ rất rộng rãi trong việc chia sẽ bữa ăn của họ với nhựng người láng giềng thất nghiệp
63. The interest of the United Nations in the question of human rights is well known.
Sự quan tâm của liên hiệp quốc đối với vấn đồ nhân quyền được biết rất rõ
64. LONDON — reseachers said on Monday they had conclusive evidence an experimental AIDS treatment using plasma transfusions delays the onset of the disease in HIV positive patients and prolongs the lives of AIDS sufferers.
Tin Luân đôn---những nhà nghiên cứu đã cho biết vào ngày thứ hai là họ đã có kết luận về một thử  nghiêm điều trị AIDS qua việc truyền huyết tương nhằm kéo dài thời gian khởi phát ở những bệnh nhân có HIV dương tínhvà kéo dài cuộc sống cho những người bệnh AIDS
65. The Vietnamese Government has speeded up medical services in remote villages.
Chính phủ Việt Nam đã phát triển nhanh dịch vụ y tế ở những làng hẻo lánh
2. Translate the following sentences into English
66. Hà Nội là trung tâm chính trị, kinh tế, văn hóa và ngoại giao của nước Cộng Hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam.
HaNoi is the political, economic, cultural, an diplomatic centre for the socialist republic of Vietnam
67. Kinh tế thị trường chắc chắn sẽ kích thích nền kinh tế của Việt Nam phát triễn.
The market economy will certainly stimulate the development of vietnam’s economy
68. Những người hiến máu ( blood donors) có thể cho máu 56 ngày một lần.
The bood donors can give their blood every 56 days
69. Một số phụ nữ thấy rằng  (find that) bàn chân họ to hơn ngay cả sau khi sinh( given birth)
Some women find that their feet are large even after they have given birth
70 Mi mắt(eyelids) là những khu vực da (area of skin)mỏng nhất và mêm nhất trong cơ thể
Eyelids are the thinnest and softnest areas of skin in the body

1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the follwing sentens.
does not belong
except for
is composed of
is consisted of
is not belonged
to enter
1.             George succeeded at the university because his parents gave him so much encouragement
2.             Every day they told him to keep working hard. They told him they were proud of him. They knew he could do it, and he did.
3.             Yesterday afternoon it rained, and at night the temperature dropped below zero. In the morning, the streets were very icy. Driving was very dangerous.
4.             Ali lost his passport yesterday. Now he must go to his embassy and apply for a new one.
5.              Has the bell ring yet? I haven't heard it.
6.             They did not allow us to enter the museum before 9 o’clock.
7.             They don't do anything but complain ?
8.             They have warned the villagers about another storm
9.             They lived on what they earned, which was not much.
10.          They talked for 3 days before finally coming to a decision.
11.         They were arrested for smuggling jewelry into the country.
12.         They were delighted when they managed to sell their house so quickly.
13.         This book doesn’t belong to me. It’s my brother’s
14.         This book is composed a series of interesting episodes.
15.          The church’s tower was erected in 1887.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1:
Because of the severe drought which has continued this year, water rationing will go into effect on Monday. Lawns cannot be watered  with automatic sprinklers; driveways, porches, and decks cannot be hosed down. You may water by hand, but only one even- numbered days. Cars can be washed on Wednesdays only. The city has hired a new drought patrol crew, which will be looking for offenders. If you are caught, there will be a  $50 fine for the first offence and a $100 fine for the second offence. We realize that this is strict, but the drought has effected us dramatically. We ask your cooperation in conserving water.
Besides the drought rules we ask that you be prudent in your household water use. Turn of the faucet while you brush your teeth. Take short showers, you might even consider turning off the water as you soap up. Don’t wash dishes under running water, and you wash your clothes, save the final rinse water to begin your next load. Let ’s all work together to save our community’s water.
16. What is the main problem the speaker is referring to?
A. The lack of water                                     C. The cost of water
B. The quality of water                                   D. The abundance of water
17. What should people do on Monday?
A. Water their cars                                          C. Wash their desks
B. Disconnect their washing machines            D. Turn off the sprinklers
18. If you have a lawn, what are you rules?
            A. Use the sprinkler on Mon – Fri                  C. Water on the Monday
            B. Water by hand                                          D. Don’t water
19. What will the drought patrol crew do?
            A. Fine citizens                                              C. Ration water
            B. Look for water resources                            D. Write new water rules
20. What does the speaker suggest?
            A. Paying $50                         C. Reusing washsing machine water
            B. Fining your neightbour       D. Taking baths instead of showers
Passage 2
People who travel frequently on businees or for pleasure often suffer from health problem, yet over half of these can easily be prevented. The most common ailment, a headache, can be avoided by taking along an ample supply of aspirins or other pain relievers. Another common affliction is motion sickness caused by the constant movement of a vehicle. Ginger capsules, sold in most heath- food stores, have been found effective as a remedy. Other familiar problems include sunburn, which can be prevented by using an effective sunscreen, and insect bites, which can be controlled with use of a repellent spray or ointment. For everyday cuts and scratches, a first – aid kit containing bandages and antiseptic cream is recommended.
21. What is the best title for this passage?
            A. Frequent Travelers             C. Common Health Problems
            B. Avoiding Travel Ailments            D. Traveling for Business or Pleasure
22. According to the passage, travelers are most commenly bothere by.           
 A. Sunburn                             C. Insect bites
B. Motion sickness                 D. Headaches 
23. The word “affliction” can best replaced by
            A. Result                                 C. ailment
            B. Experience                          D. Supply       
24. According to the passage, what can be used to remedy motion sickness?
            A. A moving vehicle                           C. Ginger capsules   
            B. Pain- killers                         D. A first- aid kit
25. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a solution to a health problem?
A. Sunscreen                                       C. Cold cream
B. Repellent spray                             D. Aspirin
Passage 3                               
in 1911 a penniless young music- hall artist left England for America. His future was uncertain, but he did not believe it could be unhappier than his past. He had grown up in the slums of London ’s East End and had experienced great poverty. His mother ’s life had been so hard that she had finally gone mad, and his father had died of drink. Both parents had been on the stage and lived in the hope that they would one day be stars. Their son was determined to succeed where they had failed. By 1914 his optimism and determination had been justified. Charles Chaplin was the most talked- about man in America, the king of silent movies. He was not only admired as a first class actor and comedian, he was aslo making his name as a director. How did he reach the top of the film world in such a short time? He was not an instant success. His attempts to copy other slapstick comedians who were popular at the time we a failure. However he gradually began to develop the character of the tramp that will always be connected with his name. He borrowed ideas from many sources and though he “stole” most of his clothes from other slapstick comedians of the time, he developed in own special mannerisms to go with them. He used bowler hat to signal secret messages and his walking stick allowed him to cause confusion and punish his enemy from a distance. He got the idea for his famous flat- footed walk from a London taxi driver who had sore feet.
26. When did Chaplin come to the States?
→ In 1911.
27. What was the cause of his father death?
→ drinking (His father died of drink)
28. What was his mother’s job?
She was an actress.
29. Did Chaplin make an overnight stardom?
→ No, he didn't.
30. What were the two things that Chaplin used successfully when he played the role of a tramp?
        His bowler hat and walking stick.
Passage 4
Most headset stereos have one thing in common: they can cause hearing loss. Studies have shown that sound levels from the machines can reach 115 decibels or more roughly equivalent to standing 100 feet from a commercial jet at the moment of take-off. At the level, permanent hearing damage can occur  after just 15 minutes. At the earlier a child begins using a headset, the more damage can accumulate. Loud noise causes hearing loss by killing irreplaceable hair cells in the inner ear. Normally, the process occurs slowly as people age, but noise damage can accelerate it.
Noise- induced hearing loss in insidious; damage may not be apparent untill later in life. Since headsets are used privately, parents often don't realize how loud their children’s music is.
31. What problem can most headset stereos cause?
            → Heading loss.
32. What is the volume of sound most headset stereos can reach?
            → 115 decibels or more.
33.  How long does it take 115 dB sounds to cause permanent hearing damage in people?
            → 15 minutes
34. How can loud noise cause hearing loss?
            → Loud noise causes hearing loss by killing irreplaceable hair cells in the inner ear.
35. Can parents control the volume of their children’s headsets?
            → No.
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word
Old Sally Gibbs was a very strange women. The fine house in which she had lived overlooked a lovely valley. But she hardly ever went out. Though a servant looked after her, her only real companions were two cats. For years she had refused to see any of her relations sa she felt that all they were interested in was her money.          
In this she was right. After her death, the few relations she had, gathered at the house to hear Sally’s lawyer read her will. They were all sure that Sally had left a great fortune, and they each demanded a share. This led to violent arguments. In particular, they quarreled about the house. Sally’s nephew felt that it should go to him as he was one of the few people who used to visit his old aunt before she cut herself off her relation / relative. Sally’s cousin objected to this and there was an angry scene in the living-room while they waited for the lawyer to arrive. When the lawyer entered, the nephew said jokingly that his aunt had probably left hundreds of debts. The lawyer did not even smile at this and asked them all so sit down. He began to read the will in a solemn voice. Sally had indeed been immensely rich but she had left the whole of her fortune to her two cats.
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. My brother/ learn/ English/ 5 year.
→ My brother has been learning English for 5 year.
47. My/ young/ brother/ look/ old/ brother and me.                                        
→ My young brother looks older than my brother and me.
48. Ben/ watch/ enjoy/ T.V/ everyday
→ Ben enjoys watching T.V everyday.
49. He/ can/guitar/ play/ well?
→ Can he play guitar well?
50. When/ my father/ be/ young/ used to/ play tennis.
→ When my father was young, he used to play tennis.
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one
51. World population will continue to rise if we do not try to reduce it.
            Unless we try to reduce it, world population won't continue to rise.
52. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
            Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold.
53. This tree won’t grow if these is no water.
            This tree won’t grow unless there is some water.  
54. Unless you rest, you will be ill.
            You will be ill if you don’t rest.
55. We’ll miss our ride home unless we leave now.
            If we don’t leave now, we will miss our ride home.
56. “ Why didn’t you report the incident  to the police last week?” the officer asked her.
            The officer wanted to know why she had not reported the incident to the police the week before.
57. He said to her, “ I’ll take you home”.
            He told her that he would take her home.
58. “ Where has he been?”
            She doesn’t know where he has been.         
59. “ Did you phone me yesterday?” Tom asked Mary.
            Tom asked Mary If she had phoned him the day before.
60. “ Don’t sit on my bed?”
            She told me not to sit on her bed.
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese                                  
61. Her husband’s prompt action prevented a seriuos fire.
→ Hành động nhanh chóng của chồng cô ta đã ngăn ngừa đám cháy nghiêm trọng.
62. The war has caused our economy to go back at least 30 years and that’s why we have to try our best to keep up with regional countries.
→ Chiến tranh đã làm cho nền kinh tế chúng ta lùi lại hơn 30 năm, đó là lý do chúng ta phải cố gắng phát triển kinh tế để theo kịp các nước trong khu vực.
63. The World Health organization is calling for, international action against the disease malaria and the use of tobaco. In its yearly report, the W-H-O says both are major killers.
→ Tổ chức YTTG kêu gọi những hành động Quốc tế chống lại bệnh sốt rét và hút thuốc lá. Nó là vấn đề quan trọng, tổ chức YTTG kêu gọi chống lại bệnh này.
64. Her father neither knows or cares what happened.
→ Anh ta không cần biết, không cần quan tâm những chuyện gì đã xảy ra.
65. Over the last 40years, general education has made sizable contributions to training students for university studies, with an average turnout of 4,000 successful candidates every year.
→ Hơn 40 năm qua, nền Giáo dục phổ thông đã đóng góp đáng kể cho việc đào tạo sinh viên lên Đại học, với số lượng trung bình là 4.000 thí sinh đạt yêu cầu mỗi năm.
2. Translate the following sentences into English
66. Chúng ta biết rằng trẻ nhỏ (infants) mơ, nhưng chúng ta không thực sự (don’t really) biết chúng mơ cái gì.
→ We know that infants dreams but we don’t really know what they dream about.
67.  Một nghiên cứu năm 2000 đã phát hiện rằng aspirin hạ thấp (lower) khả năng của cơ thể phân giải cồn (break clown alcohol) trong dạ dày.
→ A study in 2000 found out that aspirin lowered the body’s ability to break down alcohl in the stomach.
68. Vắc xin cúm (flu vaccine) không nên chỉ định (administer) cho những người dị ứng với trứng.
→ Flu vaccine shouldn’t be administered to people who are allergic to eggs.
69. Uống rượu quá nhiều (excessive drinking) có hại cho sirc khỏe của bạn.
→ Excessine drinking is harmful to your health.
70. Càng ngày càng có nhiều người Việt Nam đang tìm cách đi học ở nước ngoài bằng chi phí riêng.
→ More and more Vietnamese people are seeking study abroad at their own expence. 
                                                            LESSON 6

1.                  Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
many more
me take
me to take
much more
used to
was used to
1. Mustafa’s air conditioner started to leak water onto his bed last night. He had to move to another room because of the leakage
2. Traffic on the causeway was stopped for two hours last night because of an accident. This stoppage caused many people to miss their flights from Bahrain.
3. In different situations, people use language differently. Therefore, it is not enough to learn grammar, we must also learn English usage
4. The laundry washed the trainee’s trousers in water which was too hot and they shrank. They didn’t fit any more because of the shrinkage so he had to wear jeans to school.
5. Tim used to go fishing with his father when he was a boy.
6. Tim has more friends than Jack.
7. Tina prefers football  to tennis.
8. To promote him so quickly you must have a very high opinion of his ability.
9. Tom is looking forward to starting his new job on Monday.
10. Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to  have a habit of using the office phone for personal calls.
11. They regarded the training sessions as necessary but unpleasant;
12. They advised me to take a complete rest.
13. They asked me where I came from, so I said London.
14. They asked the prisoner several questions, but he said nothing.
15. They continued arguing till after midnight.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1
Canning is a method of preserving food over extended periods of time. The process involves sealing food in containers and heating it in order to kill bacteria that could eventually cause spoilage. While most canned food is produced by commercial companies, some is done at home.
Homegrown fruits and vegetables such as apples and tomatoes are the most popular foods to can. Even certain kinds of meat are suitable for canning. However, it is not advisable to heat produce such as avocados because of the changes in taste and texture that occur. Other foods, including cucumbers and peppers, can be canned only if they are first pickled and then cooked at very low temperatures.
Properly canned food can be saved for as long as three years. If not properly sealed, the food can be spoiled by the growth of organisms. In severe cases, bacteria can cause a fatal form of poisoning called botulism. For this reason, it is very important to check the seal of the jar or bottle regularly to make sure it has remained undisturbed.

16. According to the passage, what is needed to kill bacteria that spoil food?
A. an airtight seal                                            C. a commercial company
B. heat                                                            D. homegrown produce
17. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT suitable for canning?
A. apples                                                          C. cucumbers
B. tomatoes                                                     D. avocados
18. The phrase “as long as” in paragraph 3 can best be replaced by which of the following?
A. up to                                                          C. exactly
B. a minimum of                                             D. while
19. It can be inferred from the passage that bacteria__________
A. is rarely harmful                             C. is one type of organism
B. develops very slowly                                  D. is a result of canning foods
20. According to the passage, botulism can be avoided by __________
A. disturbing the container                  C. reheating the canned food from time to time          
B. properly sealing ajar or bottle     D. promoting the growth of beneficial organisms                                

Passage 2
The very word on a label describing a food, a drug, a cosmetic, or a medical device is important in protecting you and your family from buying an inferior product, from misusing a good one, from being tricked by dangerous quackery, or from unknowingly possessing an item harmful to health.
First of all, the label on a can or a package of food must be completely truthful. If a load of bread is made with soy flour, the load cannot be labeled as white bread.
A label must not be misleading. This restriction is somewhat vague and therefore cannot prevent all violations. Although the government tries to eliminate all misleading labels, the consumer must nevertheless be always on guard. Just because a can of sardines has a fancy-sounding foreign name, don’t take for granted that the fish were imported. It is the law, too, that manufacturers must list their names and places of business on their labels.
Manufacturers must use common names in identifying their products so that anyone can readily understand what he is buying. Synthetic foods must be prominently labeled as artificial. Foods composed of two or more ingredients must bear labels listing all ingredients in the order of predominance.

21. According to the article, the main purpose of a label is to __________
A. attract the consumer                        C. list the ingredients
B. protect the consumer        D. protect the manufacturers
22. Careful reading of the label will prevent
A. misusing of a product                     B. buying an inferior product
C. buying a harmful substance                        D. A, B, and C
23. The author suggests that __________
A. some labels are misleading in
B. all labels are misleading about misleading labels.
C. most labels are vague spite of government inspection     
D. the government does nothing
24. A foreign name on a label
A. is never misleading            
B. always indicates that the product is an import        
C. may lead one to believe the product is an import                     
D. is never completely truthful
25. The most important ingredient of a product must be listed
A. first                        C. in the middle          
B. last              D. as artificial

Passage 3
Our health care program provides complete medical care and quality you can count on. Your hospital coverage includes nursing and physician’s care, surgery, therapy, laboratory tests and medicines. We want to keep you to prevent illness, so your benefits include regular check-ups and vision and hearing examinations. You’re covered for emergencies in your hometown and when you travel anywhere in the world. You can count on our program to give you the health care you want and need in our many medical facilities national wide. More than 90 medical offices provide routine care, as well as lab, pharmacy, and X-ray services. Our well-trained medical staff and specialists will give you the best treatment available.
26. What does the health program provide?
medical care
27. List 6 things that the hospital coverage includes
→ nursing, physician’s, surgery, therapy, laboratory tests and medicines
28. What three benefits are included for preventing illness?
→ regular check-ups, vision and hearing examinations
29. What four things do the 90 medical facilities provide?
→ routine care, as well as lab, pharmacy, and X-ray services.
30. Who will give you the best treatment available?
→ well-trained medical staff and specialists will give you the best treatment available.

Passage 4
Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called ‘The Revealer’ has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where — it is said — pirates used to hide gold. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that ‘The Revealer’ may reveal something of value fairly soon.
31. What has been invented recently according to the passage?
→ A new machine called ‘The Revealer’
32. What has this machine built for?
→ to detect gold which has been buried in the ground, near the seashore where - it is said -  pirates used to hide gold.
33. Where was the party examining the soil?
→ near the entrance to the cave.
34. What did the party do when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground?
→ the party dug a hole two feet deep.
35. What do many people believe in spite of not finding anything valuable
→ ‘The Revealer’ may reveal something of value fairly soon.

3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived (36). I was still at the office at the time, but I had made arrangement for his arrival. After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had put (37) the key under the doormat. As I was likely to be home rather late, I advised him to get into my flat and wait for me.
Two hours later my’ friend telephoned me from (38) the flat. At the moment, he said he was listening (39) to some of my records after having just had truly wonderful meal (40). He had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped  me (41) to cook some cold chicken from the fridge (42). Now he hoped I would join him. When I asked him if (43) he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat, but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been left open (44) and he had climbed in it. I listened to all it with (45) astonishment. There is no apple tree in front of my living room, but there is one in front of my neighbor’s.

1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. My mother /cook / at the moment/.
→ at the moment, my mother is cooking.
47. Mr Baker’s son /always /study /very hard I.
→ Mr Baker’s son always studies very hard.
48. Mary/write/at this time yesterday/.
→ Mary was writing at this time yesterday.
49. She / be / us / tomorrow I.
→ She will be here with us tomorrow.
50. Thousands /visitors /visit /zoo /every day/.
→ Thousands of visitors visit zoo every day.
2. Write each of the folio wing sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. Hand your books to me when you have finished, please
He asked his students to hand there books to him when they had finished.
52. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
He denied stealing the car.
53. “Have you been out at all this evening, Mr. Johnson?” the detective asked
54. Have you got a cheaper carpet than this?
Is this the cheapest carpet?
55. He accused Amanda of stealing his cassette.
He said, Amade you stole my cassette.
56. He said to his son, “Be careful when you cross the street”
He told his son to be careful when his son cross the street.
57. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult
It’s difficult for handicapped people to shop in supermarkets.
58. Has anyone told you about it yet?
Have you been told about it yet?
59. Somebody accused him of stealing the money.
He was accused of stealing the money.
60. People are going to build a brigde over my house.
A bridge is going to build over my house.
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
61. American researchers have developed a technique that may become an important tool in fighting AIDS.
→ Những nhà nghiên cứu người Mỹ họ đã phát triển một kỹ thuật, kỹ thuật này có lẽ trở thành một công cụ quan trọng chống lại bệnh AIDS.
62. It is high time to launch a social movement to improve children’s malnutrition because “the health of children today is the prosperity of the country in the future”.
→ Đến lúc cần phải bắt đầu phong trào xã hội cải thiện tình trạng suy dinh dưỡng ở trẻ em, bởi vì sức khỏe trẻ em hôm nay là sự phồn vinh của đất nước ngày mai.
63. The Vietnam War left deep wounds in the hearts of many American that more or less involved in this aggressive war.
→ Chiến tranh ở VN đã để lại vết thương sâu trong trái tim của nhiều người Mỹ có tham gia cuộc chiến này.
64. United Nations Secretary General met with Turkey leaders to discuss the recent earthquake.
→ Tổng thư ký Liên hiệp quốc gặp những nhà Lãnh đạo Thổ Nhỉ Kỳ để bàn về những trận động đất gần đây.
65. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
→ Tòan nhân lọai sinh ra đều được tự do, bình đẳng và ngang bằng về quyền phẩm giá con người.
2. Translate the following sentences into English
66. Một cuộc điều tra (survey) đã được Hiệp hội Y học Anh ( British Medical Association) tiến hành (carry out) năm ngoái.
→ A survey was carried out by British Medical Association last year.
67. Cuộc điều tra cho thấy (show) phần lớn mọi người không tập thể dục đầy đủ (do enough exercise).
→ The survey showed that most people didn’t do enough exeruse.
68. Năm 1995, 60% người dân đi bộ hơn một dặm (mile) mỗi ngày
→ In 1995, 60% of people walked more than 01 mile a day.
69. Bây giờ con số đó đã giảm xuống còn (fall down to) 20%.
→ Now, that number has falten down to 20%.
70. Mặc dù ngày càng nhiều người hơn đến phòng tập thể dục, nhưng có ít người đi bộ hơn.
→ Althaugh more and more people go to the gym fewer people walk.


1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
an other
is worth
is worthy
to wash
1. This lemonade is not sweeter enough. If we add a little more sugar. It will taste better.
2. I hope the teacher doesn’t ask me a question in class today, because I didn’t finish my homework last night. If he calls on me, I will be very embarrassed because I won’t know the answer.
3. Scientists say tears contain chemicals that your body needs to get rid of. They say it’s good to cry sometimes.
4. If you don’t have enough room to keep your bicycle in your apartment, you can store it in the basement.
5. Salman made an important decision. He decided to stay in the United States and go to college. After college, he will return to his country to work.
6. This is not the right moment to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen !
7. This is the best play that I have ever seen in my life.
8. This law will take effect from the beginning of the next month.
9. This morning traffic was held  up by an accident outside the Town Hall.
10. This orange tastes sweater than that one.
11. This painting, the Water Lilies is worth USD 300,000 plus.
12. This pen isn’t working. Please give me another
13. Those people are working very hard
14. Those windows are dirty. They need washing
15. Though they are brother, they differ from each other so much.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
 Passage 1
Stress is with us all the time. It comes from mental or emotional activity as well as physical activity. It is unique and personal to each of us. So personal, in fact, that what may be relaxing to one person may be stressful to another. For example, if you’re a busy executive who likes to keep occupied all of the time, “taking it easy” at the beach on a beautiful day may feel extremely frustrating, nonproductive, and upsetting. You may be emotionally distressed from ‘doing nothing”. Too much emotional stress can cause physical illnesses such as high blood pressure, ulcers, or even heart diseases. Physical stress from work or exercise is not likely to cause such ailments. The truth is that physical exercise can help you to relax and to better handle your mental or emotional stress.
16. Which of the following would be a determinant as to what people find stressful.
A. Personality                                    B. education
C. Marital stasius                                 D. Shoe size
17. Stress is _______
A. optional                              B. relaxing
C. manageable                       D. the same for all people
18. A source of stress NOT specifically mentioned in the passage is ______
A. educational activity          B. physical activity
C. mental activity                    D. emotional activity
19. Physical problems caused by emotional stress can appear as all of the following EXCEPT_____
A. ulcers                                  B. pregnancy
C. heart disease                       D. high blood pressure
20. One method mentioned to help handle stress is ______
A. physical exercise   B. tranquilizers
C. drugs                                   D. taking it easy
Passage 2
Henry Hudson first set sail in 1607 in the attempt to find the Northwest Passage to the Far East. The subsequent voyages followed. The first two voyages were made on the ship “Hopewell.” After a third unsuccessful voyage, Hudson could no longer find anyone in England interested in sponsoring his quest of finding a shortcut to the Orient. In 1608, Hudson dined with a Dutchman named Emmanuel van Meteran, an English representative to the Dutch East India Company. The company was looking for a shorter route to trade with the Orient. Ultimately, the Dutch hired Hudson. With the assistance of a trusty Dutch sailing vessel, Hudson continued on his voyage and eventually discovered a river that had been called an assortment of names, including Muhheakunnuk, Grande River, Rio de Saint Antonio, and River of Mountains. This river was finally named after Hudson himself.
21. Henry Hudson first set sail in
A. 1608           B. 1607           C. 1609           D. 1610
22. What was Henry Hudson looking for?
A. Shortcut to the Orient                              B. Silver
C. Gold                                                           D. A wife
23. Who finally sponsored Hudson?
A. England                              B. the United Stated
C. The Dutch                         D. China
24. The Hudson River was at one time also known as
A. Grande Rio                         B. Wavy River
C. Dutch River                        D. Grande River
25. How many total voyages did Hudson make looking for the shortcut?
A.3      B.4     C.2      D.5
Statistics shows that rapid population growth creates problems for developing countries. So why don’t people have fewer children? Statistics from the developed countries suggest that it is only when people’s living standards begin to raise that birth rates begin to fall. There are good reasons for this. Poor countries cannot afford social services and old age pensions, and people’s incomes are so low they have nothing to spare for savings. As a result, people look to their children to provide them with security in their old age. Having a largefamily can be a form of insurance. And even while they are still quite young, children can do a lot of useful jobs on a small farm. So poor people in a developing country will need to see clear signs of much better conditions ahead before they can think of having smaller families. But their conditions cannot be improved unless there is a reduction in the rate at which population is increasing. This will depend on a very much wider acceptance of’ family planning and this, in turn, will mean basic changes in attitudes.
26. According to statistics what causes problems to developing countries?
→ rapid population growth creates problems for developing countries.
27. According to the passage when does birth rates begin to fall?
→ when people’s living standards begin to raise
28. Do people in poor countries have savings for their old age?
→ No, they don’t.
29. How can old people live if they do not have any kinds of insurance?
→ people look to their children to provide them with security in their old age.
30. What does living condition improvement depend in developing countries?
→ This will depend on a very much wider acceptance of’ family planning.

Passage 4
Notting Hill Carnival is held in London each August bank holiday, and is the largest arid most colourful street event in Britain. The festival celebrates the traditions of the British black community, who emigrated to Great Britain from the West Indies in the 1950s. they brought with them the Caribbean idea of the carnival, with processions, colourful costumes, steel bands and street dancing. Preparations for the carnival begin many months beforehand. Costumes have to be made, and floats built, ready for the street procession. Steel bands practice traditional Caribbean music on instruments made from old oil drums. Shortly before the festival, the streets are decorated with red, green and yellow streamers, and amplifiers are set in place, to carry the rhythmic sounds over the roar of the London traffic. The carnival lasts for three days, and is full of music and colour. Processions of floats, steel and brass bands. And dancers in exotic costumes make their way through the narrow London streets, watched by thousands of people. The streets are lined with stalls selling tropical fruits, such as fresh pineapples, watermelons and mangoes. Everybody dances black and white, young and old — and even the policemen on duty take part in the fun. For these three days in August, a little Caribbean magic touches the streets of London.
31. When and where is Notting Hill Carnival is held every year?
→ London each August bank holiday.
32. Why is Notting Hill Carnival held?
→ The festival celebrates the traditions of the British black community.
33. Where does the British black community come from?
→ The West Indies
34. How long does the Carnival last?
→ Three days.
35. What kinds of tropical fruit are mentioned?
→ Pineapples, watermelons and mangoes.
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
Everywhere in (36) the world, forests are being destroyed. It is (37) believed that 90% of Germany’s forests will have disappeared at (38) the end of the century. This destruction is caused by (39) air pollution. Power station and cars are mainly responsible for (40) this: They blow gases into the air which, after a series of chemicals changes, turn into (41) toxic acids. These acids destroy not only (42) trees but also fish and other wildlife. The world has come to (43) realize that something must be done (44) before it is too late, and urgent measures must be taken against (45) air pollution.
1.Complete the sentences using given words.
46. These children/be/interested/go/seaside/.
→ These children are interested in going to the seaside.
47. I/not know/why/she/very cheerful/.
→ I don’t know why she is very cheerful.
48. She/not know/where/the key/.
→ She doesn’t know where the key is.
49. This/interesting/film/l/seen/.
→ The is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
50. Everest/high/mountain/world/.
→ Everest is the highest mountain in the world
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. He advised her not to marry quickly.
He advises her against marrying quickly.
52. He advised her to start early.
He advised that she should start early.
53. He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if he is running away from your fierce dog.
54. He became adapted to the new climate.
He got used to the new climate
55. Jamie isn’t accustomed to working so hard.
Jamie isn’t used to working so hard
56. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
My French friend isn’t used to driving on the left
57. He behaves like a boss, but he isn’t.
He behaves as if he were a boss.
58. He borrowed the money from the bank.
The bank lent him the money.
59. He bought the library which belonged to his uncle.
 He bought his uncle’s library.
60. He can do everything.
He is capable of doing everything.
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
61. A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals.
62. Debate and criticism must be carried out on comradely spirit.
Phê bình, tranh luận phải được tiến hành trên tinh thần đồng chí.
63.From the lowlands to highlands, from cities to rural areas, rising up everywhere are many beautiful and spacious buildings.
Từ miền xuôi đến miền ngược, từ thành thị đến nông thôn, đâu đâu cũng mọc lên những công trình xây dựng khang trang, đẹp đẽ.
64. Domestic flights have been expanded over the entire country, from short to long distance ones with the increasing number of flight to help passengers save more time.
Các tuyến bay nội địa đã được mở rộng trên phạm vi cả nước, từ những đường bay gần đến những đường bay xa, với số lần bay ngày càng gia tăng, giúp hành khách tiết kiệm được nhiều thời gian hơn.    
65. Vietnam Airlines National firm has daily proved its important role in servicing domestic passengers and partly met the transportation demand of international ones.
Hãng hàng không quốc gia Việt Nam ngày càng khẳng định được vai trò quan trọng của mình trong công việc đưa đón khách đi lại trong nước và đáp ứng một phần nhu cầu của khách quốc tế.
2. Translate the following sentences into English
66. Đàn bà sinh ra để được yêu, không phải để được hiểu.
Women are made to be loved, not to be understood.
67. Nếu bạn đi bộ mỗi dặm (mile) một ngày, bạn sẽ cải thiện (improve) sức khỏe của bạn rất nhanh.
If you walk one mile a day, you’ll improve your health quickly
68. Tôi đang học tiếng Anh để có thể nói chuyện được khi tôi sang Mỹ vào mùa hè tới.
I’m learning English so that I will be able to speak it when I go to America next summer.
69. Bản luận àn tiến sĩ dày tới 200 trang.
The doctorat thesis attains right 200 pages thick.
70. Mặc dù thân thể bị khuyết tật, nhưng hắn đã trở thành một doanh nhân thành đạt.
Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.


1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences.
the weather
1. You can leave the party whenever you like. I don’t care what time we go home.
2. You can go wherever you like on vacation if you have a lot of money.
3. Tonight is my birthday, and I am taking you out to dinner. I’m going to have spaghetti, but you can order whatever you like.
4. I lent my book to someone in class, but I forget who. Would whoever had it please return it to me?
5. President John F. Kennedy died in 1963. Thousands of people went to his funeral.
6. When there is an important match, many football supporters decorate their cars with the national flags and the colours of their favourites team.
7. Amnesty International tries to stop cruelty to prisoners in all countries. In many places, prisoners have terrible lives of pain and suffering.
8. For your homework tonight, write a description of your hometown. Tell how it looks, where you like to go, and why you like it.
9. We are all too hungry to wait  any longer for supper.
10. What the weather !The rain has not stopped for a moment.
11. We’re thinking  of going on holiday to Spain.
12. The mobile phone is a revolutionary device. It has made huge changes to people’s lives.
13. The more you study. the more your knowledge increases.
14. Hassan is going to Abdullah’s house tonight to help him connect his computer and wireless modern-router. He doesn’t know how to do it himself.
15. Don’t be discouraged if you have had difficulty with this activity. The words are very difficult!
2 .Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1
In the U.S., men and women choose their own spouses. They do by dating. When they decide on a spouse, they get engaged. They do not need their parents’ consent. The man gives the woman an engagement ring. Before a wedding, the bride’s women friends and relatives usually have a party for her. It is called a shower. At the moment, everyone gives the bride a present for her future home. The groom’s men friends give him a party. It is called a bachelor party. The purpose of this party is to give the groom one last good time as a single man.
Sometimes young people pay for their own wedding. This is especially true if they have been working for a while. In other cases, the family of the bride pay for most of the wedding and the reception afterward.
16. in the U.S., men and women _______
A. don’t have to pay attention to the law when they get married.
B. must have their parents’ permission if they are supposed to get married.
C. must win their friends’ agreement if they are supposed to get married.
D. could have their own choice in the matter of marriage.
17. At the bachelor party the groom _______
A. must prove him to be a good future man
B. must promise to behave properly at the wedding
C. could have one last good time as a bachelor
D. could have one last chance of freedom
18. According to the passage. Young people _______
A. can ask for parental help to pay for the wedding
B. can borrow from their friends to pay for the wedding
C. at times pay for their wedding
D. completely rely on their family for their wedding
19. The word consent most nearly means ________
A. order           B. request        C. agreement             D. remarks
20. The word present most nearly means _______
A. gift             B. piece of furniture    C. a piece of advice     D. chance
Passage 2
This fact is important in view of the estimate that over 150 million Americans have excessive levels if cholesterol in their bloodstream. Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in animal tissues, helps to form hormones, and maintain the structure of cells. Most cholesterol is manufactured by the body, but some surplus quantities enter the blood through food intake. Foods heavy in saturated fats, such as beef, butter, and whole milk, increase the natural level of cholesterol in the body.
Problems occur when fatty compounds build up on the wall of arteries. The deposits gradually narrow blood vessels, and at some point the flow of blood to the heart or brain can be blocked. A clot that blocks an artery to the brain can cause a stroke, while one the blocks an artery to the heart can cause a coronary attack.
21. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Leading causes of heart disease.     B. Changes in diet
C. High blood cholesterol                 D. Contributions to heart research
22. I can be inferred from the passage that millions of American ________
A. are overweight
B. should have blood transfusions
C. should alters their eating patterns
D. frequently check their cholesterol levels
23. In what way does cholesterol benefit the body?
A. It regulates the release of hormones
B. It cleans away wax in animal tissues
C. It increases the flow of blood in the bloodstream
D. It preserves cell structure
24. How can surplus amounts of cholesterol build up in the body?
A. From eating foods rich in saturated fats
B. From increasing overall food intake
C. From failing to check blood pressure
D. From hormonal imbalances
25. I paragraph 3, the word “build up” in closest meaning to which of the following?
A. detach         B. accumulate            C. combine                  D. dissipate
Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire; a scientist with a love of literature; an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but live a simple life, and although cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone in foreign soil. He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of was to kill and injure his fellow men. During his useful life he often felt he was useless: “Alfred Nobel,” he once wrote himself, “ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life.” World-famous for his work, he was never personally well- known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. ““ I do not see,” he once said, “that I have deserved any fame and I have no taste for it.” Since his death, however, his name has brought fame and glory to others. His famous will, in which he left money, to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideas. And so, the man who felt he should have died at birth is remembered and respected long after his death.
26. What was Nobel like as a man?
→ Nobel was a man of many contrasts.
27. How did Nobel feel when he was alone?
→ He was often sad.
28. Did Nobel die in Sweden?
→ No.
29. Why did Nobel invent dynamite?
→ To improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building.
30. How many Nobel’s prizes are mentioned in the passage?
→ Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace.

Passage 4
Generally, people are classified into three categories according to their attitudes towards money: misers, spenders, and economizers. Misers seem almost obsessed with the idea of saving, so they accumulate money in banks if their income is large, or in the house - stuffed in mattresses or under the living room rug - if they are low-income people. They deprive themselves of many things and spend money just on the most essential things. Spenders are people who have tendency to spend too much on too many unnecessary things. They are often too generous, making elaborate gifts to friends and family. Credit cards in some spenders’ hands are often dangerous weapons. They become addicted to using them, only to regret it later when the bills come in and they are unable to pay. Economizers are practical people who spend wisely, usually making use of a budget. They can enjoy more and various material things and activities due to their careful utilization of funds, They spend in moderation and save in moderation for their future retirement or the education of their children. Of these three types of people, economizers are what most of us are having to be in our age. The acute problems of inflation, shortages, and low salaries are forcing us to become economizers. It is the only way to be if we are to survive in the future. Hopefully, the misers and big spenders will modify their extreme attitudes towards money in these circumstances and convert into economizers.
31. How many kinds of people are there according to their attitudes towards money?
→ Three.
32. Where the misers keep their money?
→ In the bank or at their hours.
33. What do you call people who have tendency to spend too much on too many unnecessary things?
→ We call them spenders.
34. How do economizers spend and save money?
→ Economizers  spend and save money wisely.
35. Which of the three mentioned categories do you belong to?
→ Economizers
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show their (36) feeling. They are generous, lively and amusing. To them, the way people speak is (37) not important. The American’s dream is success in (38) his job, success which is earned from (39) his own skill and hard work. Americans do not care what kind of family they come from (40). What is more important to (41) them is how to make others recognize them as (42) successful in their career. The USA has many serious problems - crimes, violence, pollution, unemployment, and many more. Twenty years ago (43) blacks and whites were fighting (44) each other in many American cities. Today more and more (45) blacks hold important positions of authority.
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. What/kinds/sports/you/interested/?
→ → What kinds of sports are you interested in?
47. Floor/need/clean/because/dirty/.
→ This floor need cleaning because it is very dirty.
48. Hamlet/write/Shakespeare/.
→ Hamlet was written by shakespeare.
49. What language/speak/Canada/?
→ What language is spoken in Canada.
50. I/not see/Lan/two weeks/.
→ I haven't seen Lan for 2 weeks.
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. He continued to perform the operation successfully.
The operation continued to be performed successfully.
52. He could not afford to buy the car.
The car was too expensive for him to buy.
53. He couldn’t drive his car because he had no driving license.
If  he had had a driving license, he could have driven his car.
54. He couldn’t repair the broken vase.           
The broken vase couldn’t be repaired
55. He didn’t bother to knock before he walked into the boss’s office.
He walked into the boss’s office without knocking.
56. He tried to escape but the police stopped him.
The police prevented him from escaping.
57. He was a fool to say that.
It was foolish of him to say that
58. She was kind to think of us.
It was kind of her to think of us
59. They had the portter carry their lugguage to the taxi.
They had their luggage carried to the taxi
60. The boy couldn’t  work hard because he was hungry.
The boy couldn’t work hard because of his hunger
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
61 It should be good if there were dogs, cats or any animals in home because children must pay attention to weak objectives.
Sẽ rất tốt, nếu trong nhà có chó, mèo, hoặc một con vật nào đó, vì đứa trẻ phải biết quan tâm đến những đối tượng yếu ớt.
62. According to the estimation of World Health Organization, at present, over 500 million children in developing countries are suffering from malnutrition, claiming the lives of 10 millions of children every year.
Theo ước tính của tổ chức y tế thế giới, hiện có trên 500 triệu trẻ em ở các nước đang phát triển bị thiếu dinh dưỡng, làm cho 10 triệu trẻ em tử vong mỗi năm.
63. When people are attracted to desperate love, they will have highly stimulated psychology and physiology.
Khi con người đã bị cuốn hút vào tình yêu say đắm là họ đã bị rơi vào trạng thái tâm sinh lí bị kích thích đến cao độ.
64. A program of light-to-moderate exercise done for only a half hour a day is enough to help you lose weight.
Một chương trình, kế họach luyện tập thể dục thể thao đều đặn nhẹ nhàng dù chỉ nữa giờ/ ngày cũng đủ để giảm cân.
65. If you need to lose more than five pounds, combine regular exercise with a moderate reduction in calories until you reach your goal.
Nếu bạn cần phải giảm hơn 05 cân, bạn phải kết hợp tập luyện TDTT thường xuyên với việc giảm calo vừa phải cho tới khi bạn đạt đến mục tiêu.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
66. Càng thấy bao nhiêu đất nước khác, tôi càng yêu xứ sở bấy nhiêu.        
The more I see many other countries, the more I love my own country.
67. Căn cứ vào nguyện vọng của quần chúng, chính phủ đã ra quyết định về việc chống tham nhũng.
According to the public wishes, the government promulgates decision about anti-corruption.
68. Các chuyên gia dinh dưỡng (nutrition experts) ngày nay khuyến cáo  (recommend) một chế độ ăn cân bằng (balanced diet) có chứa các yếu tố của tất cả các thực phẩm. (elements of all food )
Today, nutrition experts recommend a balanced diet containing elements of all food
69. Trong nhóm bệnh xã hội (Sida, Giang mai, Phong, Sốt rét, Lao) ngoài Sida chưa tìm ra thuốc, bốn bệnh còn lại đã có thuốc đặc trị.
Of social diseases (AIDS, syphilis, leprosy, malaria, tuberculosis), medicine for the treatment of AIDS has not yet been found while there are special drugs for the other diseases.
70. Nghĩ  về Nha Trang, chắc rằng mọi người trong chúng ta ai ai cũng nghĩ đến một vùng đất đầy tiềm năng du lịch.
Thinking about Nha Trang, everyone of us certainly recalls a land of tourist potentialities.


1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences

1. He roasted some chicken in the oven for dinner.
2. Philip dressed in strange clothes and wore a mask on his face for a party. He was completely unrecognizable. No one knew who he was.
3. One student said that his native country had nationalized the oil companies because people were stealing the oil.
4. That is only part of a very complicated situation. The explanation is an oversimplification of the situation.
5. There are a lot of problems in Third World countries, such as poor living conditions, new job, very little medical care, low salaries, and many other problems.
6. Another problem in Third World countries is that most of the people are undereducated because they quit school at an early age to get jobs. As a result, they cannot get good, well-paid jobs.
7. Carl is a computer programmer for a large company. He writes programs for businesses and industries.
8. In the beginning, the Internet was used by mainly by universities to provide a free flow of information arid ideas around the planet. Now, however, it has become very commercialized  everybody is trying to make money from it.
9. Two or three vehicles were involved in the accident.
10. Unless my room is warmer tonight, I’m going to complain to the hotel manager.
11. We admire him for his profound and vast knowledge.
12. We are expecting him to arrive at any moment.
13. We are accustomed to bad weather.
14. We are tired of English lessons and the teacher.
15. We do not want any more summers like the last one.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage 1
Certainly one of the main effects of growing older is the accelerated passage of time. When you are a child, time seems limitless. The summer is gloriously endless; conversely in November it seems as if Christmas vacation will never come. Perhaps time seems so expansive because your life still holds infinite possibilities. By the time you are a young adult, time has begun to speed up. You know for a fact that vacation will come, but you are also painfully aware of the amount of work you have to get through before it arrives. The possibilities are still there, but so are the realities of adult life. Later in life, time speeds up even more, until it seems as if life consists only in a perpetual race with no finish line in sight. By the time your children are teenagers, you look at them in amazement, astonished to find that the tiny, helpless babies you held in your arms only yesterday could possibly be the lovely young people you see before you, hurrying forward into their own speeded-up futures.
16. In this passage, expansive means
A. fast-paced   B. difficult       C. limitless                  D. perpetual
17. The main idea of this passage is that
A. Time speeds up as you get older.
B. Time seems the same to people of all ages.
C. Time speeds up after you have children.
D. Possibilities diminish as you get older.
18. The author states that to a young child, summer vacation seems
A. hot             B. endless                 C. fast                     D. childish
19. The passage states that to an adult life seems like a_________
A. vacation      B. test C. baby            D. race
20. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A. to persuade                         B. to inform
C. to entertain                          D. to prove a point
Passage 2
Sleep is very important to human beings. An average person spends 220,000 hours of his life sleeping. Until about 30 year ago, no one knew much about sleep, although doctors and scientists have done research in sleep laboratories, they have learn a great deal by studying people as they are sleeping, but there is still much that they don’t understand. Sleeping is a biological need, but your brain never really sleeps. It is never actually blank. The things that were in your mind during the day are still there at night. They appear as a dreams which people have discussed for years. Sometimes people believed that dreams had magical powers or that they could tell the future. You may have sweet dreams or nightmares. Sleep is very important to humans. We spend one third of our life sleeping, so we need to understand everything we can about sleep.
21. How long does an average person sleep during his life time?
A. 220,000 hours        B. a third of his life
C. 30 years                  D. A & B are correct
22. Doctors and scientists___________
A. don’t know anything about sleep
B. have learnt much about sleep
C. think there is still things that they don’t understand
D. B & C are correct
23. Sleeping is a need.
A. human        B. physical      C. psychological          D. biological
24. When we sleep,
A. our brain sleeps too                                    B. our brain still works
C. our brain doesn’t work any more    D. our brain is quite blank
25. Dreams are things________
A. that appear when we sleep                                 B. that never appear when we sleep
C. that were on our mind during the day D. that are called nightmares
Two main techniques have been used to train elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him. Apart from any moral considerations, this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn into a man-killer. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service. The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single trainer who will be entirely responsible for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do; and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are even stories of haft-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when, by some unavoidable circumstance, they have been deprived of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and trainer is the key to successful training.
26. How many ways of training elephants are mentioned in the passage?
→ Two main techniques have been used to train elephants.
27. In which method do people beat elephants?
→ The tough.
28. Which method takes more time?
→ The gentle.
29. How many masters does an elephant want to have?
→ Only one.
30. What is the key to successful elephant training?
→ The relationship between elephant and trainer is the key to successful training.
Passage 4
In 1850, during the Gold Rush, a twenty-year- old immigrant from Bavaria named Levi Strauss stepped off the boat in San Francisco. He had with him a special cloth called Serge de Nimes, which would later be called denim in America. Levi Strauss hopped to sell the denim as material to make tents and covers for wagons, to the men who were going to the goldfields to look for gold. “You should have brought pants to sell. In the goldfields we need strong pants that don’t wear out,” one young miner advised Strauss. So Levi Strauss took some of his denim to the nearest tailor and had him make the miner a pair of pants. The miner was so pleased with his pants that he told other miners about the wonderful new Levi’s pants or Levis, and soon Levi Strauss had to open a shop to manufacture enough trousers for the miners. The miners wanted trousers that were comfortable to ride in, that were low cut so they could bend over easily to pick up the gold from under their feet, and which had big useful pockets. One miner complained that the gold in his pockets kept tearing them. So Levi put metal corners in the pockets to make them stronger. Very soon, miners and cowboys from all over came to get fitted up with Levi’s pants. Today, more than a hundred years later, Levi’s pants walk the world as Levi’s blue jeans.
31. How old was Levi Strauss when he came to USA?
→ 20 year old.
32. What kind of material did Levi Strauss have?
→ Serge de Nimes.
33. Did Levi Strauss use denim to make a pair of pants himself?
→ No.
34. Why did Levi Strauss have to open a shop?
→ To manufacture enough trousers for the miners.
35. Why did Levi put metal corners in the pockets?
→ Levi put metal corners in the pockets to make them stronger.

3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
In other (36) to stay healthy, it is important to have a balance diet (37) - in other words, food that contains something from each of the following (38) main groups of food. These groups are protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Proteins are very important for building our bodies; they help us to build new cells as old  cell (39) die. Meat and dairy products are major sources of proteine (40), but not the only ones. We can also get protein  from (41) fish, eggs and (42) beans. Carbonhydrate and fat are important to enable us to store energy- they provide fuel for (43) the body. Carbohydrates are found in sugar and in cereals such as (44) rice, maize and wheat fats (45) are found in vegetable oil, butter and nuts.
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. My house/clean/my mother/now/.
→ My house is being cleaned by my mother house. (Now my home is cleaned by my mother)
47. What/happen/when/they/arrive/last night/?
→ What happened when they arrived last night.
48. 1/be/used/get up/early/learn/English/.
→ I am used to getting up early to learn English.
49. How long/you/learn/English/? it/be/one/the/expensive car/world/.
→ How long have you been learning English. It’s one of the expensive car.
50. Mr. Nam/said/be/famous doctor/.
→ Mr. Nam is said to be a famous doctor
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
51. No one can build the cottage because it rained heavily.
No one  can build the cottage because of the heavy rain
52. Because of her bad behavior everyone hates her.
Because she behaves badly, everyone hates her
53. Although she was very old, she was very graceful indeed.
Despite her old age, she was very graceful indeed
54. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car
55. He didn't spend a single penny.
Not a single penny did he spend
56. He didn't utter a single word
Not a single word did he utter
57. He doesn't know whether his mother will let him come to the USA.
He doesn't know if he will be allowed to come to the USA
58. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
Not only did he spend all his money but also he borrowed some from me.
59. He failed to win the race.
He didn't succeed to win the race
60. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
Not until he get home, did he remember the gun

1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
61. In 2004 laboratory tests confirmed the presence of avian influenza virus in human cases in the northern part of Vietnam.
Năm 2004, XN xác nhận có VR cúm ở lòai chim xuất hiện trên người ở miền Bắc Việt Nam.
62.              The training does not mean to raise people’s standards of culture or to develop the contingent of medical personnel. The training is considered as a prerequisite of political, economic and social development of each community.
Đào tạo không những nâng cao dân trí, phát triển đội ngũ cán bộ y tế mà còn là tiền đề của sự phát triển chính trị, kinh tế và xã hội của mỗi cộng đồng.
63.              Its nature, scenic landscape, vestiges have not been attractive enough to tourists while infrastructures are still not fully made, services are non-existent.
            Thiên nhiên, thắng cảnh, di tích vẫn chưa đủ sức cuốn hút du khách khi mà cơ sở hạ tầng chưa hoàn chỉnh, các dịch vụ phục vụ chưa có.
64.              It would be mistaken if we didn’t make preparation from today.
 Sẽ là sai lầm nếu chúng ta không bắt đầu chuẩn bị từ ngày hôm nay.
65.              A heart to resolve, a head to contrive and a hand to execute.
Một trái tim để giải quyết, một cái đầu để xếp đặt, và một bàn tay để thực hành.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
66. Các bài tập của chúng ta càng lúc càng khó.
Our exercises become more and more difficult.
67. Dù hành động không thể luôn luôn mang lại hạnh phúc nhưng không có hạnh phúc nào mà không có hành động.
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
68. Việt Nam có những nơi nhiều di tích lịch sử, đặc biệt là thành phố Huế.
Viet Nam has many places with historical vestiges, particularly in Hue.
69. Chúng ta cần phải đau khổ để có thể biết thương sót.
We need to suffer so that we may learn to pity.
70. Anh ấy làm việc cẩn trọng đến nỗi phải mất một thời gian dài mới hoàn tất dự án.
He worked so carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.


1. Choose ONE of the words or phrases given in the box to fill in the blank of each of the following sentences
to buy
to climb

1. We have not got enough employees. We are understaffed
2. We must exchange our pounds for dollars before going to New York.
3. We need further information before we can decide.
4. We need some sunshine; so we have made up our minds to go abroad this
5. We needn’t buy that book. I have one at home.
6. He ate ten pieces of the delicious candy, even though he knew that the candy
was bad for him.
7. In the fall, Ali  cultivates tomatoes in his back yard. He plants the tomatoes in
October, and by the following January the tomatoes are ready to pick.
8. The town of Al-kharj is an oasis in the middle of the desert between Dammam and Riyadh.
9. Raw Fish is very nourishing food. However, many people do not like the taste.
10. The farmer put a fence around his garden to keep out animals.
11. When people swim underwater, they must hold their breath. Fish can breathe underwater, but humans cannot.
12. If you have a small calculator, you can calculate your grocery bill while you are doing your shopping
13. Next month, Tamari is going on a trip to New York. He has already made his plane reservation, but he has not got his ticket yet.
14. We traveled second class, which is cheaper than first class but more crowded.
15. We watched the cat climb the tree.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions below it.
Passage I
Certain bats have a kind of sonar sense. This enables a bat to hear supersonic cries uttered by the bat itself and reflected back from nearby objects. Thus, the position of the walls and stalactites in a cave and of furniture in a closed room can be ascertained and avoided by means of the bat’s own supersonic chattering. The eyes of most bats, though highly organized, are very small, concealed by fur, and comparatively useless in the dark. But it has been found that even if a bat’s eyes are sealed, it can make its way with ease through dark rooms and through places full of obstacles. Formerly this ability was attributed to sense organs in the wings, but now it is thought that the special sonar sense is the chief factor involved.
16. The bat’s sonar sense involves a series of _________
A. echoes        B. shadows      C. conversions             D. networks
17. A bat usually guides itself by using noises made by  _________
A. the bat itself                                  B. other animals that can see                          
C. obstacles that are nearby     D. the bat’s sense organs
18. Bats compensate for the weakness of their eyes in the dark by the acuteness of their sense of   ___________
A. taste            B. smell           C. touch           D. hearing
19. It was formerly thought that a blinded bat could find its way easily because of the               ______
 A. fur surrounding its eyes                 B. highly organized structure of its eyes
C. special sense organs in its wings  D. peculiar chattering sound it makes
20. How does a bat’s sonar sense work?
A. Light from nearby objects is reflected back to the bat and converted into sound.
B. Noises are reflected back to the bat and picked tip by its ears.
C. The wings of a bat touching nearby objects make a sound that guides the bat.
D. The bat learns and remembers the positions of objects in its environment.
Passage 2
There are 365 days in year. We sleep 8 hour a day, so we have 122 days for sleeping. Then our work time has 243 days left. But there are 52 weekends in a year. Each weekend is two days. We lose another 104 days a year of work. It takes us about one hour to have breakfast and slipper. This comes to 15 days over a year. But we can’t work all the time-we need a holiday. Let’s say we have three week’s holiday. We don’t work all day. Four free hours each evening takes up 61 days. We have to remember that we get 2 days’ holiday at Easter, 3 at Christmas and I at the New Year. There are also 4 Bank holidays. Take those 10 days away and we have 32 days for work. But then we have one and a half hours’ lunch every day, and half an hour’s coffee break. That comes to 30 days a year. This means that we have only a few days left for work every year!
2 1. How many days do we sleep in a year?
A. 365 days                 B. 122 days                 C. 8 days                     D. 52 days
22. We spend 15 days on _________
A. rest         B. coffee break C. lunch           D. breakfast and supper
23. Which of the following is true’?
A. Each weekend is one day               B. We have 61 days for free time
C. We get 3 days’ holiday at Easter    D. Coffee break takes us one hour
24. According to the passage. we know that we don’t have         time to work every year.
A.    much too   B. so many      C. too much               D. too many
25. The writer means __________
A. we should know the numbers
B. time is important and we’d better not waste it
C. we need more holidays
D. a few days for work is enough
Passage 3
In 1960, an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep. He showed that the average individual’s sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movement, some drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid. People woken during these periods of eye- movement generally reported that they had been dreaming. When woken at other times they reported no dreams. If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were not exhibiting eye-movements, the first group began to show, while the others seemed more or less unaffected. The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered but the disturbance of dreaming.
26. When did William Dement publish his experiments with human sleeping?
→ 1960
27. According to William Dement what do we do during our eye-movement?
→ We are dreaming during our eye- movement.
28. Should we disturb someone who is exhibiting his or her eye-movements?
→No, we shouldn’t.
29. What can be found in those people who are frequently disturbed from their eye- movement sleep?
→ Some personality disorders.
30. Can we infer from the passage that dreams are very important to human health?
→ Dream are very important.
Passage 4
Anger, fear, or the shock of sudden sorrow brings physical changes in our bodies. The digestion is shut down, the blood pressure is raised, the heart speeds up, and the skin becomes cold. If maintained over a prolonged period, this emergency status makes the body- and the personality- tight, dry and rigid, in people who are afraid to let themselves pour forth their painful emotions, doctors find that suppressed tears can trigger such ailments as asthma, migraine headache, and many others. Weeping, on the other hand, comes as part of the reversal of conditions of alarm, shock and anger. Tears do not, therefore, mark a breakdown or low point, but a transition to warmth, hope and health. So there is a genuine wisdom in tears. In permitting ourselves to weep instead of repressing the impulse, we help ourselves to health.
31. How many physical changes that can be bought by anger, fear, or the shock of sudden sorrow are mentioned?
→ 4 changer in our bodies (digestion, blood, pressure, heart).
32. Does the emergency status affect human personality?
→ Yes.
33. What are two health problems that can result from suppressed tears?
→ asthma, migraine headache, and many others.
34. Can weeping cause a breakdown?
→ No.
35. Regarding health, do people benefit from weeping?
→ Yes, we are.
3. Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word.
How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist (36) twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in (37) the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have problems (38) before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should brush (39) our teeth with a tooth brush and fluoride tooth paste (40) at least twice a day, once after breakfast and one before we go to bed (41). We can also use wooden toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal (42). Thirdly, we should eat food (43) that is good for our teeth and our body like milk, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, and cake are bad, especially if (44) we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our teeth and cause decay (45).
1. Complete the sentences using given words
46. Books/arrange/different sections/Mrs. Green!.
→ The books are arranged in different sections by Mrs. Green.
47. Ha Long Bay/beautiful spot/I/want/visit’.
→ Ha Long Bay is the beautiful spot that I want to visit
48. The new railway station/build/here/next month!
→ The new railway station will be built here next month.
49. What/kinds/sports/you/interested!?
→ What kinds of sports are you interested in?
50. How long/you/learn/English!?
→ How long have you learnt English?
2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the given one.
49. The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border.
→ Not until the refugees had crossed the border, did they feel safe.
50. He had a rest after he had painted the ceiling.              
→ He didn’t have a rest until he had painted the ceiling.
51. He found that it was impossible to study at home.
→ He found it impossible to study at home
52. We found that it was difficult to tell them the truth.
→ We found it difficult to tell them the truth
53. The teacher gave Susan easy exercises and she was able to do them in only ten minutes.
→ The teacher gave Susan such easy exercise that she was able to do them in only ten minutes.
54. He is a famous writer and everyone knows him.
→ He is such a famous writer that everyone knows him
55. He never buys a paper without reading the whole thing.
→ Never does he buy a paper without reading the whole thing.
56. Everyone started complaining the movement the announcement was made.
→ No sooner had the announcement been more than everyone started complaining.
57. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
→ No sooner had he returned home from his walk than he got down to write the letter.
58. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
→ Hardly  had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
59. He played under the trees as a child and so did his father.
→ Both he and his father played under the tree as a child
60. He started investigating the case a week ago.
→ He has been investigating the case for a week
1. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
61. The reason why Japanese cars can be consumed in Viet Nam is that the Vietnamese like small and economical cars of different forms and the price is relatively within their reach.
Sở dĩ các loại xe Nhật tiêu thụ được ở Viet Nam là do người Việt Nam thích những loại xe nhỏ gọn, ít tốn nhiên liệu, kiểu dáng phong phú và giá cả tương đối phù hợp.
62. Today, all outbreaks of the highly pathogenic form have been caused by influenza A viruses of subtypes H5 and H7.
Ngày nay sự bùng nổ của những lọai dịch bệnh với tần số cao đều gây ra bởi vi rút cúm A với týp H5 và H7.
63. Domestic poultry are particularly susceptible to epidemics of rapidly fatal influenza.
Gia cầm nuôi trong nhà dễ mắc bệnh cúm, gây tử vong cao.
64. Recent research has shown that viruses of low pathogenicity can change into highly pathogenic viruses.
Những nghiên cứu gần đây chứng minh rằng những con vi rút dạng cơ bản có thể biến đổi thành dạng cấu tạo phức tạp hơn.
65. The  physicians are always tormented as they have to deal with serious diseases or mortal cases which could have been avoided.
Thầy thuốc thường xuyên bị dằn vặt vì phải giải quyết những trường hợp bị bệnh nặng hoặc tử vong mà đáng lẽ có thể trtanhs được.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
66. Vấn đề dặt ra là người dân không chịu thay đổi hành vi và tư duy của họ thì mọi biện pháp phòng chống đều trở thành vô dụng.
The problem is that when people don’t change their acts and thoughts, all preventive measures will be futile.
67. Đây là các bệnh tồn tại phổ biến và đang trên đà tăng nhanh, đe dọa sức khỏe, giống nòi và sự phát triển toàn diện của xã hội.
These are common diseases which are on rapid increase and are threatening our health, our race and our social development.
68. Ngoài bệnh viện trung tâm, thành phố đã xây dựng được một mạng lưới y tế.
Besides the central hospital, the City has built a health network.
69. Bệnh nhân đã tỉnh lại.
The patient was awake.     
70. Tôi không ủng hộ mà cũng không chống đối đề nghị đó.
I am neither for nor against the proposal.

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